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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Long Goodbye

So I've been meaning to post for a while now, but things have been so crazy the only time I've had to blog has been conflicting with sleep time. And if you know me at all...sleep trumps almost anything for me. I now realize that was dumb because I can't even remember all the things I wanted to say. Guess I'm just going to have to do my best to remember and give the abridged version.

Let's see...since I last posted I've basically been scrambling to find all the things that I think I might need with me in Moldova and hanging out with family and friends while I can. I guess this paragraph can be dedicated to the series finale of Lost. All I can say is that I'm so happy I got to see it end before leaving. I do like that they wrapped up the characters' stories, but it felt kind of rushed. I also still want to know why that stupid statue has 4 toes and why they decided to irritate the audience by not ever saying what black smoke monster's name was. The best part though was my friend Nicole decided to go all out and turn her place into the hatch and decked it out with dharma initiative stuff. I only wish we had coveralls.

I've spent a lot of time with my nephew since I time with him was running out. I love that little guy. I'm really going to miss the sound of his laugh, so basically I'm glad Skpe exists because it would be really sad to go 2 years not seeing that face. I will also miss my brother and sister in law, but I'm fairly certain they will look relatively the same when I get back.

My family threw me a goodbye party this weekend which was super fun. They hired a taco truck because they know that I'm going to miss Mexican food. Mmmm, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. So the theme was my favorite things....and they don't include raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, although nice things and make for a good song, they are not my favorite things. My favorite things included Mexican food, egg rolls, cake, lot's of dessert, lots of chips and dips, and lots of drinks. Oh, and most importantly, my favorite people. It was very touching that all those people came to say goodbye, especially the ones that traveled from super far and surprised me. So it was a good time all around.

The worst thing about all of this is waiting around to say goodbye to everyone. I'm beginning to realize that I am super lucky to have all these people in my life, and am wondering why would I ever want to leave. Then I think, why wouldn't I go do the things I want to do when I have all these people who support me and will welcome me back with open arms? Yeah, the only thing harder than waiting to say goodbye, is actually doing it.

On Sunday, I said goodbye to my brother, his wife, and my nephew. You may ask why goodbyes started so early when I still have about week left. Well, they are all going to Cancun for a week, and getting back the day after I leave for Philly. What was really rough was saying goodbye to my sister yesterday. Since I pretty much see her everyday and practically have moved into her loft, it felt pretty horrible. Especially since I was taking her and our friend, Ruby, to the airport but everyone forgot to set an alarm so we all woke up to a phone call asking if they were at the airport yet. Um yeah, that would be a negative. So we rushed out and unfortunately rushed our goodbye, but I'm thinking that it might have been better that way. Like ripping off a band aid. Quick and easy. Except it wasn't easy. I pretty much cried the whole way back from the airport and then some. So, that's 2 days in a row of tears. Hopefully, today will be better.

So to make yesterday even better, because the 5 am wake up wasn't enough, I had to take my mom for a colonoscopy (sp?), and then drive down to LA to visit my uncle in the hospital. He had stroke this weekend, so that's rough. The family is freaked out a bit, since it mirrors what happened to my dad. I'm just glad I got to visit before I leave.

Well, I gotta get going since we're all getting ready to go the hospital. Hopefully my next post won't end on such a down note.

Ok, I was going to post pictures, but it's not working right now...so I'll attach them on my next post.