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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rude Awakening

I’ve been so positive lately with my blogs, I decided to give myself some space and time to rant about something that bothers me and I am having trouble getting over. I’m only human.

Today I woke up at the glorious hour of 5:30 for no reason other than our neighbors decided to start renovating their house at that ungodly hour. As I lay there, eyes open, cursing my life, I pondered why people here have no issues with obnoxious noises at obnoxious hours. Seriously, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will be woken every morning to the noises of my host-family. I really have no choice about that. We live in small quarters and they get up ridiculously early…I’ll get back to that in a bit. However, what is the deal with my neighbors? When I’m not being woken up before 6 by construction on one side, there are those crazies on the other side blasting their Christian music for the entire world to hear which is even more annoying because that’s not even necessary. Today I thought, “Man, if I was crazy I would get our of bed, pick up the hatchet, make dinner out of our rooster, go nuts on the ‘construction’ on the right, then pick up their chain saw, walk over to the neighbors on the left and go nuts on their sound system.” Hm, is it crazy just to have such thoughts? Perhaps.

People here just have no consideration for others when it comes to noise. Sometimes I want to yell, “The world doesn’t revolve around you!! Keep it down!” Well, I can’t do anything about it. There are no civil laws against it and even if there were, authorities (ha, that’s a joke in itself) wouldn’t enforce them. I tried to explain to my host-family why we value quiet in the early mornings and the late nights, but they looked at me like I was speaking of some mythical world in a sci-fi Disney film directed by Tim Burton. They thought it was funny that I am so bothered by others making such noise. Probably because they also wake up at the crack of dawn and talk at the top of their lungs. And why is that? For people who are so “pura vida” they all love to wake up really early. Maybe it’s all that caffeine consumption. Maybe it’s the roosters. Maybe it’s the culture. I don’t know, but it’s just plain nutty to me. Which only makes going back home for Christmas even more exciting. In fact there are a whole plethora of reasons why I’m looking forward to going home including, but not exclusive to:

Family and Friends
Food, glorious food!
Civil laws and their enforcement
Ceilings (oh for so many reasons)
A mattress
Hot water showers
Reliable cell phone service
Reliable internet
Washing machines AND dryers
Real supermarkets
My car
Pets that I won’t end up eating
Coffee shops (ironic, I know)
Books and people who read them
A haircut

Well, that’s all I can think of for the moment. I guess it’s a good thing I’m going on vacation. Thank you for paying attention to my little spat. Perhaps next time I won’t be so cranky.